Professional learning opportunities for everyone who works with Multilingual Learners of English, including ELT and general education teachers.
Available Online, On-Site, and at our Headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia.
Participate in either our global cohorts or setup a private cohort just for your district's personnel.
A cutting-edge professional development opportunity designed for all English language educators passionate about delivering impactful language instruction. The 6 Principles (6Ps) are universal guidelines drawn from decades of research in language pedagogy and language acquisition theory. They are targets for teaching excellence and should guide any program of English language instruction.
School-Wide Teacher Leadership
Language teachers are often asked to lead workshops and support their colleagues’ instruction, but they rarely have access to the training needed to accomplish this work efficiently, effectively, and with confidence. The SWEL workshop series prepares language teachers to share their expertise with colleagues through collaborative discussions and observations. It is a systematic framework that recognizes teacher professional learning is most effective when it is in-house.
While SEL is becoming increasing critical for learners’ success, teachers often feel unprepared to incorporate or address it in their classrooms. This professional development series serves as a practical, concise, and easy-to-follow reference that English language teachers in K-12 and adult education and English language teacher educators can use in their classrooms
During our consultation, we'll discuss your Multilingual Language Learner population and how our professional learning events can equip your district to meet their linguistic and cultural needs.
-Gregory Stancil, TESOL Business Development Associate
"I recommend SWEL training as a resource to create successful ELD coaching partners. We believe in the potential of SWEL coaching to lead to optimum learning environments for our multilingual learners."
-Jenny Leroux, District 196 ELD Program Facilitator, Twin Cities, Minnesota
Read Full Recommendation Letter: District 196